We have partnered with ESAnimals to offer our clients an easy way to register your puppy as an Emotional Support Dog. It is a quick and easy process, and you can have an ESD ID card and documentation for your puppy before they go home. Do you have other dogs at home that also need to be registered? No problem, we can register other dogs as well.
Enjoy a renewed, stress-free lifestyle with your emotional support animal by your side.
Live Happier with an Emotional Support Animal...
Keep your Pet in a "No Pet Policy" Rental with no pet deposit
Landlord Accommodation Form Processing
Fly with Your Pet in the Cabin of an Airplane with no fees
Latest Delta (and other) Airline Forms
Medical License Information Included in Letterhead
An Emotional Support Animal (or ESA) is a legal term used in the United States of America to describe an animal that provides a therapeutic benefit to its handler/owner through affection or companionship. Emotional support dogs are dogs that provide comfort and support in forms of affection and companionship for an individual suffering from various mental and emotional conditions. An emotional support dog is not required to perform any specific tasks for a disability like service dogs are. They are meant solely for emotional stability and unconditional love. They can assist with conditions such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder/mood disorder, panic attacks, fear/phobias, and other psychological and emotional conditions. Emotional support dogs are protected under federal law Here is a list of some mental and emotional conditions individuals may have that may be helped by having an emotional support dog:
Bipolar disorder
Mood disorder
Panic attacks
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Suicidal Thoughts/Tendencies
Do you have a Disability? The National Institute of Mental Health shows that more than 1 in 4 adults in the United States have some form of mental disorder. If you are suffering from an emotional or psychological condition then you are entitled to an emotional support dog. Consult with your physician for more information. Living With Your Emotional Support Dog: The Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA) gives individuals the right to live with their emotional support dog regardless of any building or residences with a no-pet policy. Building managers or landlords may not refuse your emotional support dog. You are required to have a current (within the past year) letter from a doctor or mental health professional recommending that you have an emotional support dog for your condition. Flying With Your Emotional Support Dog: The Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) allows emotional support dogs on airplanes when individuals with emotional support dogs are traveling.
Not buying one of our puppies, but want to register your dog as an Emotional Support Animal? We have you covered! We love to share our discount, so click the link above to use the coupon code and receive $10 off your registration today!
*In order to receive the $10 off, you must mark "other" under "How did you hear about us?" You will put the coupon code in the provided blank box. You will also put the AH423 code in the coupon box at checkout. Let me know if you have questions, or need any help.
Emotional Support Dog Questions
What is an emotional support dog? An emotional support dog is a dog that provides comfort and support in forms of affection and companionship for an individual suffering from various mental and emotional conditions. An emotional support dog is not required to perform any specific tasks for disability like service dogs are. There are meant solely for emotional stability and unconditional love. What are some of the disabilities that qualify me for an emotional support dog? Anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder/mood disorder, panic attacks, fear/phobias and other psychological and emotional conditions. Can I have an emotional support dog? If you have a disability (a person who suffers from emotional or psychological conditions) then you are entitled to an emotional support dog. What kind of training does my dog need to go through in order to be considered an emotional support dog? There is no specific training that your dog needs to go through in order to be considered an emotional support dog. Keep in mind that your dog needs to be trained to behave properly in public settings. Do I need to notify my airline that I’m bringing an emotional support dog on board? Yes, please notify your airline at least 48 hours prior to boarding so they can accommodate and arrange seats for you and your emotional support dog. *Delta's Policy My landlord says, “NO PETS ALLOWED”; can I have my emotional support dog with me? Once your dog is considered an emotional support dog he or she can stay with you at your residence even if they do not allow pets.
Important fine print: Australian Heritage Labradoodles is not liable for any change of policy or misinformation. It is the buyers responsibility to verify details directly with the implicated agencies.
Under the Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA) and the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA), an individual who meets the proper criteria is entitled to an emotional support dog to assist them with their life. The FHAA protects individuals by allowing their emotional support dog to live with them (even when there are no pet policies in place). The ACAA protects individuals by allowing the emotional support dog to fly with them in the cabin of an airplane (without having to pay any additional fees). Any dog can be an emotional support dog, and emotional support dogs do not have to be professionally-trained. A Medical Recommendation is Required You are required to have a letter from a doctor or mental health professional recommending that you have an emotional support dog for your condition. You may be asked to present this letter by airline staff when flying or by your landlord when renting a home. Identifying emotional support dogs for the public Emotional support dogs are often identified by wearing an emotional support dog vest or tag, letting the public know that it is an emotional support dog; otherwise, their handlers will find themselves having to explain that their dog is an emotional support dog. Some businesses, such as airlines, prefer to see an identification card or vest that indicates that the dog is an emotional support dog.
The Fair Housing Amendment Act States: FHAA requires that the housing provider make reasonable modifications in rules, policies, practices or services necessary to give persons with disabilities equal opportunity to use and enjoy the dwelling. Allowing a tenant who is blind to have a guide dog even though the building has a no pet policy. This same rule would apply to individuals who need a service animal, emotional support animal or a therapy animal. *Landlords are not allowed to charge emotional support animals a pet/security deposit, or additional fees since an Emotional Support Animal isn’t considered a “pet”